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Antiperspirant deodorant: reliable protection against heavy sweating

At CL, we understand the importance of reliable and effective protection against heavy sweating. Our antiperspirant deodorant not only offers protection against unpleasant odors, but also an effective solution against excessive sweating. Thanks to advanced formulations, our products offer a strong effect and long-lasting freshness.

While a normal deodorant is designed to neutralize odours, an antiperspirant deodorant goes one step further. It combats the cause of perspiration directly at the sweat glands and thus ensures an effective reduction in perspiration. This differentiated mode of action makes it the right choice for people who suffer from intense sweating.

The choice between a deodorant and an antiperspirant is crucial when it comes to controlling sweat and body odor. At first glance, these products may seem similar, but they work in fundamentally different ways.

Deodorants aim to neutralize body odour caused by bacteria. They contain substances that influence the bacterial flora on the skin, which reduces the unpleasant odor. Deodorants are ideal for people who are mainly concerned about body odor but do not sweat excessively. They are gentler on the skin and often come in a variety of fragrances, but do not provide protection against sweat production itself.

Unlike deodorants, antiperspirants contain active ingredients such as aluminum salts that temporarily interact with the sweat glands to reduce sweat production. These active ingredients form a temporary barrier in the sweat glands, which reduces the amount of sweat that reaches the skin. Antiperspirants are particularly effective for people who suffer from heavy or excessive sweating, as they not only combat odor but also reduce perspiration itself.

To achieve the full effect of an antiperspirant, correct application is crucial. It should be applied to clean, dry skin and used regularly. At CL you’ll find a range of formulations, from deodorant sticks to sprays, that offer fast action and are suitable for all skin types.

There is debate about the health effects of aluminum salts in antiperspirants. However, most studies show that these ingredients are safe for normal use. It is still advisable to choose products that have passed skin compatibility tests, especially if you have sensitive skin or are prone to skin irritation.

Antiperspirants generally offer longer-lasting protection than deodorants and are therefore ideal for long working days, sporting activities or special occasions where reliable protection is required. They are available in different formulations, including sprays, roll-ons and sticks, to suit individual preferences and application needs.

Overall, an antiperspirant deodorant offers a more comprehensive solution in the fight against sweat and odour, while a normal deodorant is mainly focused on odour neutralization. The choice ultimately depends on your personal needs and preferences.

There are many reasons for heavy sweating, from stress and hormonal changes to diet and clothing choices. At CL, we offer solutions that are tailored to these different causes and help you to maintain an optimal feeling of freshness. Our products offer strong protection even during intense sweating while maintaining skin health.

The main difference between deodorant and antiperspirant lies in their mode of action:

  • Deodorants aim to neutralize an unpleasant odour by combating the bacteria responsible for the resulting smell. However, they have no effect on sweat production.
  • Antiperspirants offer protection against underarm wetness by temporarily constricting the sweat glands and thus reducing perspiration. This provides reliable protection not only against odor, but also against sweat itself.

Whether deodorant or antiperspirant is better depends on your individual needs. If you are mainly looking for protection against body odor, a deodorant may be sufficient. For more effective protection against sweat and odor, especially if you have a stronger tendency to sweat, an antiperspirant is the better choice.

For optimum effect, antiperspirant should be applied to clean, dry skin. and left to dry completely before dressing. It is most effective when left on overnight, as the sweat glands are less active at night. This allows the antiperspirant to penetrate deep into the pores and provide maximum protection the next day.

The frequency of use of antiperspirant depends on your individual needs. If used regularly, an antiperspirant can provide reliable protection. For people with normal perspiration, one application per day is often sufficient. For heavier sweating, twice daily application – morning and evening – can be helpful to ensure the best possible protection.

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